Scientific Methods
For The Study Of The Inter Mind


The Problem with the study of Consciousness is that Conscious Experience cannot be measured using any known Scientific instrumentation. Current technology can only measure Neural Activity that is Correlated with Conscious Activity. The diagram below shows the processing flow for the perception of Light as discussed in The Inter Mind paper.


The Inter Mind Model Of Consciousness


Science can only connect instrumentation to the Physical Mind (PM). From these measurements it can only be Speculated what the Conscious Mind (CM) is experiencing. It is unknown how to connect any kind of Measuring Technology to the CM because it is unknown what the CM actually is, even though we are it. Similarly, it is unknown how to connect any kind of Measuring Technology to the Inter Mind (IM) because it is unknown what the IM actually is. The important point to all this is that Measurements conducted on the PM may be Correlated to what is happening in the CM, but it would be very bad Science to say that Measuring the PM is the same thing as directly Measuring the CM.


Even though there is no Physical Measurement Technology available for directly Measuring the CM, there is still an approach that can be taken. It must be realized that we ourselves are the Measurement Technology. Not our Physical Selves, but rather our Conscious Selves. We can report if we are seeing a Red object or hearing the Standard A Tone.


So, it is possible to Measure Neural Activity in the PM and to Measure the corresponding Conscious Activity in the CM. These two Measurements will dictate what the IM must be doing. The IM transforms the Neural Activity in the PM into the Conscious Activity in the CM. The big question and the Hard Problem of Consciousness is: How does the Inter Mind accomplish this transformation?


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