Constructing Fundamental Objects In Point World
The Fundamental Objects in Point World are the Line, the Circle, and the Sphere. Each of these Objects can be Empty or Full.
- Empty Line: Points located at the two ends of the Line.
- Empty Circle: Points located at discrete locations on the circumference of the Circle.
- Empty Sphere: Points located at discrete locations on the surface of the Sphere.
- Full Line: Points located at discrete locations over whole length of the Line.
- Full Circle: Points located at discrete locations over whole area of the Circle.
- Full Sphere: Points located at discrete locations over whole volume of the Sphere.
Lines are probably the most useful Objects in Point World. Circles will be constructed using Lines, Spheres will be constructed using Circles, and Hyper Spheres will be constructed using Spheres. So everything is ultimately constructed using using Lines. Objects will have an Orientation when they are constructed in this way, which makes the component Points, Lines, and Circles move in a visually instructive manner. Objects can be Oriented on any of the four major Axes. Each of the lower level component Objects cannot be Oriented with the same Orientation as any higher level Object. So if we are going to construct a Sphere Oriented on the z-Axis then the component Circles will have to be Oriented on the x-Axis, the y-Axis, or the w-Axis. In other words the component Circles will have to be perpendicular to the Orientation of the Sphere. If we Orient the Circles on the x-Axis then the Lines that make up the Circles will have to be on the y-Axis or the w-Axis. Orientations are specified by a set of Axis designators where there are no repeated Axis designators. There are 24 valid Orientations for a Sphere in 4D Space, examples of which are xyz, xzy or wxy. A Hyper Sphere would need a four coordinate Orientation and a Circle only needs two coordinates. This will become more clear after seeing the Animations that will follow.
Note that the equations in this section are for people who need to see the details. It is not necessary to understand the equations to understand the different configurations that the Animations portray. The important thing to take away from this section is that Spheres and Circles are sometimes constructed in an odd looking way that makes the Animations for rotations easier to understand.
The size of the Balls that represent Points is variable, and the size of the Balls determine the number of Points that are needed to represent an Object. For example the following equations can be used to construct a Full Line:
NumberOfBalls = (LineLength + BallSize) / BallSize
if(NumberOfBalls is Even) NumberOfBalls = NumberOfBalls - 1
BallOffset = LineLength / (NumberOfBalls - 1)
BallLocation = n * BallOffset
0 <= n <= NumberOfBalls
So if we are constructing a 4 Unit long Full Line and the Ball size is 0.5 Unit then there will be a Ball located at each endpoint and 7 Balls offset from each other by 0.5 Units for a total of 9 Balls ( 9 Points) that represent the Full Line. The number of Points will be decremented to an odd number if the Ball Size leads to an even number of Points. In this way there is always a Point at the center of a Full Line. The location of this central Point is considered to be the location of a Full Line or an Empty Line even though an Empty Line does not have an actual Point at the center. In Point World a Line can have a Radius that is defined to be the distance from the center to one of the endpoints, which is LineRadius = LineLength / 2.
In Point World Empty Circles can be constructed from Empty Lines, and Full Circles can be constructed from Full Lines. Lines can be used to construct a Circle with Equal Offsets or with Equal Angles as shown in the following Animations for Empty Circle construction and for Full Circle Construction:
Constructing Empty Circles Using Empty Lines
Constructing Full Circles Using Full Lines
Note that these construction techniques produce Circles with a rotational symmetry around the z-Axis and in this case it is a zx-Orientation. The construction can also be implemented for x-Axis or y-Axis symmetry. This orientation characteristic will prove to be helpful when viewing the Circle rotation Animations later.
Equations For Equal Offset (Full or Empty) Circle Construction:
NumberOfLines = (2 * CircleRadius + BallSize) / BallSize
if(NumberOfLines is Even) NumberOfLines = NumberOfLines - 1
Span = NumberOfLines / 2
DeltaOffset = CircleRadius / (NumberOfLines - 1)
LineOffset = n * DeltaOffset
Angle = asin(LineOffset / CircleRadius)
LineRadius = CircleRadius * cos(Angle)
-Span <= n <= Span
Equations For Equal Angle (Full or Empty) Circle Construction:
BallAngleSize = 2.0 * asin((BallSize / 2.0) / CircleRadius)
NumberOfLines = (Pi + BallAngleSize) / BallAngleSize
if(NumberOfLines is Even) NumberOfLines = NumberOfLines - 1
Span = NumberOfLines / 2
DeltaAngle = Pi / (NumberOfLines - 1)
Angle = n * DeltaAngle
LineOffset = CircleRadius * sin(Angle)
LineRadius = CircleRadius * cos(Angle)
-Span <= n <= Span
These equations will produce Points that have CircleRadius as follows:
CircleRadius = sqrt(LineOffset^2 + LineRadius^2)
Circles can also be constructed from Concentric Empty Circles with Equal Offsets or with Equal Angles as shown in the following Animation:
Constructing Full Circles Using Concentric Circles
So far we have constructed Circles in 2D Space, but in a 2D Point World Circles can also be constructed directly into 3D Hyper Space as shown in the following Animation. The 3D Hyper Space constructions place the Circle component Lines at Offsets along the y-Axis. The component Lines will be perpendicular to the y-Axis. The component Lines can be oriented with the x-Axis or the z-Axis so there are two possible orientations. For the farther construction, where the component Lines are all oriented with the z-Axis, it is intuitively easy to see how the Lines could be brought closer together to form the Circle. The closer construction seems intuitively impossible for forming a Circle, because bringing the Lines closer together overlaps them. This is all an illusion of the Axis Sharing process. If the y-Axis was shared with the z-Axis instead of the x-Axis then the construction in the front would line up on the z-Axis and seem easier to form a Circle and the construction in the back would now not be as intuitive. So we should always be careful how we interpret what we see with Axis Sharing. But the 2D Observer can still realize some interesting things about a Circle in 3D with these constructions. For example the construction in the back depicts the Circle as somehow being Flat for the 2D Observer. Also, the fact that there can be different orientations where the Circle actually looks different seems puzzling, because in a 2D Point World a Circle can only rotate with an xz-Rotation. A Hyper Space rotation is needed to change it's orientation. These things are puzzling to the 2D Observer. A 3D Observer is not puzzled by these things and can easily see the Flatness of a Circle and how it can look different with different orientations. But a 3D Observer is puzzled by the Flatness of a Sphere in 4D Hyper Space as we shall see.
Constructing Full Circles In 3D Hyper Space Using Lines
Equations For Full Circle Concentric Construction:
NumberOfConcentricCircles = (CircleRadius + BallSize) / BallSize;
if ((NumberOfConcentricCircles % 2) == 0) NumberOfConcentricCircles = NumberOfConcentricCircles - 1
DeltaRadius = CircleRadius / (NumberOfConcentricCircles - 1)
ConcentricCircleRadius = n * DeltaRadius
0 <= n <= NumberOfConcentricCircles
In Point World Empty Spheres can be constructed from Empty Circles, and Full Spheres can be constructed from Full Circles. Full Spheres are constructed from Full Circles that are constructed from Concentric Circles. Circles can be used to construct a Sphere with Equal Offsets or with Equal Angles as shown in the following Animations for Empty Sphere construction and for Full Sphere construction:
Constructing Empty Spheres Using Empty Circles
Constructing Full Spheres Using Full Circles
Note that these construction techniques produce Spheres that have a rotational symmetry around the y-Axis. The construction can also be implemented for x-Axis or y-Axis symmetry. This rotational symmetry characteristic will prove to be helpful when viewing the Sphere rotation Animations later.
Spheres can also be constructed from Concentric Full Circles with Equal Offsets or with Equal Angles as shown in the following Animation.
Constructing Full Spheres Using Concentric Circles
So far we have constructed Spheres in 3D Space, but in a 3D Point World Spheres can also be constructed directly into 4D Hyper Space as shown in the following Animation. For 4D constructions the Sphere component Circles are Offset along the w-Axis. The component Circles will be perpendicular to the w-Axis. The component Circles can be oriented with the xy-Plane, the xz-Plane, or the yz-Plane so there are three possible orientations. A component Circle can have two different orientations in each of the Planes because the Lines that make up the Circle can be drawn parallel to either of the two Axes that make up the Plane. Even though there are a total of six possible orientations only one orientation per Plane will be shown to reduce clutter. In the center construction, where the component Circles are all in the yz-Plane, it is intuitively easy to see how they could be brought closer together to form the Sphere. The other two constructions seem intuitively impossible for forming a Sphere, because bringing them closer together overlaps them. This is all an illusion of the Axis Sharing process. If the w-Axis was shared with the y-Axis instead of the x-Axis then the construction in the back would stack up on the y-Axis and seem easier to form a Sphere and the center construction would now not be as intuitive. So we should always be careful how we interpret what we see with Axis Sharing. But we can still realize some interesting things about a Sphere in 4D with these constructions. The front and back constructions depict the Sphere as somehow being Flat. In 4D Space a Sphere is Flat just like a Circle is Flat in 3D Space. So a Sphere can be seen to be Flat in some orientations and Spherical in other orientations. These things puzzle a 3D Observer and these things will be explored more in later sections.
Constructing Spheres In 4D Hyper Space Using Circles
Equations For Equal Offset (Full, Empty, Concentric, or Hyper) Sphere Construction:
NumberOfCircles = (2 * SphereRadius + BallSize) / BallSize
if(NumberOfCircles is Even) NumberOfCircles = NumberOfCircles - 1
Span = NumberOfCircles / 2
DeltaOffset = SphereRadius / (NumberOfCircles - 1)
CircleOffset = n * DeltaOffset
Angle = asin(CircleOffset / SphereRadius)
CircleRadius = SphereRadius * cos(Angle)
-Span <= n <= Span
Equations For Equal Angle (Full, or Empty, Concentric, or Hyper) Sphere Construction:
BallAngleSize = 2.0 * asin((BallSize / 2.0) / SphereRadius)
NumberOfCircles = (Pi + BallAngleSize) / BallAngleSize
if(NumberOfCircles is Even) NumberOfCircles = NumberOfCircles - 1
Span = NumberOfCircles / 2
DeltaAngle = Pi / (NumberOfCircles - 1)
Angle = n * DeltaAngle
CircleOffset = SphereRadius * sin(Angle)
CircleRadius = SphereRadius * cos(Angle)
-Span <= n <= Span
These equations will produce Points that have SphereRadius as follows:
SphereRadius = sqrt(CircleOffset^2 + CircleRadius^2)
In Point World Empty Hyper Spheres can be constructed from Empty Spheres, and Full Hyper Spheres can be constructed from Full Spheres. Spheres can be used to construct a Hyper Sphere with Equal Offsets or with Equal Angles. A Hyper Sphere cannot be depicted directly. Hyper Spheres can only be indirectly depicted using Axis Sharing. The following Animation shows how Hyper Spheres might look using Axis Sharing:
Constructing Hyper Spheres Using Spheres
Equations For Equal Offset (Full or Empty) Hyper Sphere Construction:
NumberOfSpheres = (2 * HyperSphereRadius + BallSize) / BallSize
if(NumberOfSpheres is Even) NumberOfSpheres = NumberOfSpheres - 1
Span = NumberOfSpheres / 2
DeltaOffset = HyperSphereRadius / (NumberOfSpheres - 1)
SphereOffset = n * DeltaOffset
Angle = asin(SphereOffset / HyperSphereRadius)
SphereRadius = HyperSphereRadius * cos(Angle)
-Span <= n <= Span
Equations For Equal Angle (Full or Empty) HyperSphere Construction:
BallAngleSize = 2.0 * asin((BallSize / 2.0) / HyperSphereRadius)
NumberOfSpheres = (Pi + BallAngleSize) / BallAngleSize
if(NumberOfSpheres is Even) NumberOfSpheres = NumberOfSpheres - 1
Span = NumberOfSpheres / 2
DeltaAngle = Pi / (NumberOfSpheres - 1)
Angle = n * DeltaAngle
SphereOffset = HyperSphereRadius * sin(Angle)
SphereRadius = HyperSphereRadius * cos(Angle)
-Span <= n <= Span
These equations will produce Points that have HyperSphereRadius as follows:
HyperSphereRadius = sqrt(SphereOffset^2 + SphereRadius^2)
This can be seen by recognizing that the SphereOffset is on the w-Axis and the SphereRadius is perpendicular to the w-Axis regardless of the particular Point. It is easy in 3D space to see how all the Points of a Circle are at a Radius that can be perpendicular to the y-Axis. In 4D space it is more difficult to see how all the Points on Sphere can be perpendicular to the w-Axis. It must be realized that relative to 4D space our 3D space is flat and the Sphere is also flat. The whole 3D space is perpendicular to the 4D w-Axis so the Points of the Sphere in 4D are all on the same 3D Hyper Plane, which we will discuss later. Therefore the SphereRadius lines are all perpendicular to the w-Axis. The SphereRadius line and the SphereOffset line define a right triangle in 4D space. So it is easy to see that the line from the Point to the origin completes the triangle and is at a distance of HyperSphereRadius.
It is difficult to see how Hyper Spheres are made out of 3D Spheres because we can not ever really see a Hyper Sphere. We can only theorize about it and see it using Axis Sharing or some other method. We actually need a different kind of Brain. We need a 4D Brain and Visual System. Similarly, a 2D Observer can not ever really see a 3D Sphere. He needs a 3D Brain and Visual System. Even as 3D beings we can not show a 2D Observer how to see a 3D Sphere. A higher dimensional space is not just more of the lower dimensional space but rather it is a completely different thing. Still, more can be learned about 4D space especially when it comes to rotations as will be shown next.